Category Archives: Component Three

Audience interaction with a social media page

Above is a screencastify where I have analysed ’The Arctic Monkeys’ social media page.  I have researched this bands due to their similarities with my artist due to the band playing a similar style of indie to ours. The artic monkeys page includes multiple technical conventions such as AIDA, information, social interaction, entertainment, integrated advertising and promotion. From using these technical conventions the bands social page can be shown to keep an audience member engaged due to the variety of marketing techniques used through out their social media page.

After analysing this social media page, I know now what type of content I should include in mine and how It should be presented to the audience in both and engaging and informative way.

Social Media Draft 2

After completing the second draft of my artist social media page, I asked my mentor to review my work and give me key improvements that would improve the overall out come of my work.

Here is the feedback that I received:


The key improvements that my mentor mentioned where:

  •         To add three more posts.
  •         To reply to all audience comments to keep them engaged.
  •         To include advertisement on platforms such as radio or tv.
  •         To include another animation or gif to advertise merchandise.
  • To separate two most recent posts to avoid similarity of the                       fans avoiding reviewing post.
  • To include all digipak covers.

Overall after reviewing the key improvements that my mentor has made  I have listed all of these improvement that I need to make to improve the overall appearance of my artist social media page as this would help to increase my audience engagement with my artists page.




Digipak Draft 3

Above is my groups third draft of our digipak presents in a physical cd case. 

The main changes that we have made include:

  • Changing the background on the back cover to have more similarities with the front.
  • Changing the font colour for the artist name on the front cover to match the inside two pages.
  • Adding a threshold filter on the star image picture.

After presenting are work In a physical format we asked fifteen of are peers what they the genre was for are album.

The outcome results included:

Indie – 5

Rock – 3

EDM – 4

Pop – 3

From reviewing these results we found that are cd case represented the genre well in a way that was informative due to the illustration used.

Are mentor conducted a survey with another group of students who had only seen are album named cd cover and asked them what the genre was.

Here are the results from this survey:

From reviewing these results we have found that we have illustrated the genre of indie well although we may need to alter the colour choice to change the inner genre type. The result of indie pop was due to the vibrant colour choice that helped to represent the indie aspect but failed to represent the rock aspect.

Social Media Page Draft One

Below is the first draft of my stars Instagram page. This page consists of six posts that present the use of techniques such as  promotion, cross media convergence, engagement, synergy and design coherence. We have created both posts and stories to promote are artists album as well as his concerts. We have based are social media page of are digipak that allows a strong connection to be placed between the two that helps to keep a viewer engaged with are artist’s work.

The key targets that need to be improved include:

  • Include more similarities between the digipak and the social media page to create a strong sense of design coherence.
  • Include more real life insights of the artists life off stage to represent him as a normal person.
  • Include links to political issues to help to reinforce their fans personal identities due to the artist involvement.
  • We need to promote the act of selling physical copies to support the fact that the artist is acceptable to fans.
  • Include a more creative profile picture that relates to the genre and artist.


Timeline & Marketing Ideas

When creating our social media page we found it was important to  create a timeline stating what we were going to post and when. We created this so that when we start posting on are social media page that we know that we are presenting enough informative in an organised order that keeps an audience engaged. When creating are timeline we thought that it was important to first list what we wanted to include that then allowed us to organise are ideas into a format that would create an engaging storyline to some posts, such as when we post teasers about upcoming events then late post a review on the event. By presenting are artist like this an audience member is made to thought that the artist is an ordinary person that can relate to audience member lines.

Made with Padlet

Before creating this timeline I used sandbox to widen my overall knowledge of what a successful social media page looks and why. I looked a top leading artist to get an invite of the techniques that they use.

The top three that I can borrow ideas from to use on my own include.


Digipak Draft 2

After completing are second draft we asked are mentor to review are work and give use multiple key points to improve the overall presentation of are digipak.

Here is my Mentors feedback:

The key improvements that my mentor mentioned where:

  • Use a more relative back cover image (change saturation to match front cover)
  • Continue snake theme through out to convey a stronger connection.
  • Pick colours from models shirt to present on the artist title.
  • Simplify font use on track names on the back cover.

Overall after reviewing the key points that my mentor suggested I agree with the improvements that she suggest due to the amount of presentation that could be improved overall that would help to increase the audience engagement. Myself and my peer are going to work through these improvement as well as are own then we will produce are third draft for further evaluation.




Social Media Terminology

Above I have presented a famous indie bands social media page. I have annotated the opening format to show how they convey their image and music to the world and how it allows people to communicate with the artists. I have described the key technical conventions used to present this social media page in the most effective way to increase the overall viewer engagement that would help to increase the bands popularity.


DigiPack Draft 1

Below I have attached the first draft of the front and back cover of my groups digipak. I have reviewed my first draft by creating targets of improvement focusing on key components such as camer and photoshop techniques that can be used to improve the overal presentation of the star.

Targets for improvement:

  • Create a better connection between the two designs.
  • Use more relatable and clean images.
  • Include colours that contain a even similarity to the album colour chart.
  • Include barcode and copyright information.
  • Create more obvious theme throughout to allow a better flow.

Evaluation of shoot

For this assignment, I organised a shoot with my peers so that we could capture an image to present on the front of our cd cover.  From doing this shoot, I think that the outcome was successful as we got a variety of images in are desired location and also we got the shots that we had specified in are shoot plan so that we would get a successful outcome that we could work with. A key part of the success of are images from are shoot was that we used an appropriate lighting set up in the studio location that allowed a clear sense of depth of field to be visible between the star image and the background that allowed a more direct connection from a consumer point. When on location we experimented with using flash lighting to extend are variety of unique images although we found that our star images was hard to capture as the DSLR would automatically auto focus that created a blur in all of these images. After reviewing the images that we captured we have decided in my group that some more images using techniques such as cells might benefit are finished assignment as this would give a larger sense of variety through out the cd cover that would increase the amount of engagement from an audience’s perspective.