Narrative in Film (Part 1) The 3 Act Structure

Introduction to Narrative (The study of stories)

The structure/shape of the stories

  • The big events that push the story forward, causing the characters to act / react.
  • When and how important story information is revealed.
    • How the audience is positioned in the story & when we learn important narrative information

The characters & their narrative function.

The themes/messages that the director wants to communicate.

  • The development of the main character(s) & their epiphany

The role of the narrator in highlighting the themes (if applicable)

The significance of setting to the story

The 3 Act Narrative Structure

Here is a cool video about the narrative structure of films which are about the adventures of a heroic figure in a typical Hollywood adventure film.

Here is an info-graphic from this video from Ted Ed.

Task 1 – Describe a simple narrative

Use it to think about the basic narrative structure of a film/story you know well, a fairy story like: Cinderella, Snow White, Jack & the Bean Stalk… or if you don’t know those, a Pixar movie like: Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E…

Remember the story mountain? Apply this in reverse to the story that you have chosen and explain the basic structure of that narrative.

Create a timeline of your own with five stages (use screenshots from the film if possible) Identify the five key stages of the narrative:

Act 1

  1. Ordinary World

2. Disruption

Act 2

3. The journey or quest.

4. The final struggle or epiphany

Act 3

5. The restoration or return

Task 2 – The Journey and the Theme

Extension Task

Consider the last two slides in the show above. In your story, who changes, how & why? What do they realise and how does this epiphany reveal the theme of the story?

Add this to your poster in either stage 4 or 5.

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