A study of the horror genre

A study of most films will include consideration of genre.

Here is a slideshow to remind you about how to study genre:

So genre is a comparative study:

  1. In what ways does a given film follow the generic conventions of horror
  2. how is it different and…
  3. …can we account for those differences.
Task for snow days

Watch this short horror film from Bloody Cuts: (In the dark if you can…)

Make a copy of this document.

On page two of the document identify features of this film which you think areĀ  conventional of the horror genre. Create a new page in your reflective journal called Horror. Post the film and your analysis.

This will serve as a useful blueprint and structure (Altman) against which to test our two films, Nosferatu and Let The Right One In. We will ask ourselves the questions:

  • In what ways do our films follow the generic conventions of horror
  • how are they different and…
  • …can we account for those differences.

Remember you should also have watched the two films on the previous blog post!