Textual Analysis Essay

Key Information

Here is the guidance from IB about the Textual Analysis Essay:

IB Film Specification Pages on Textual Analysis

Here is the assessment criteria explained:

Assessment Criteria

Unit Schedule & Deadlines
  • Week 1 & 2: Revise and recap textual analysis using a whole class film
    • 28 Days Later (2002) Boyle

Friday 21st Sept: Screen 3 Selected Films at Fermain Valley Hotel Cinema

  • Week 3: Research into context and reception of chosen film.

Friday 28th Sept: Submit textual analysis essay proposal

  • Week 4: Close Analysis of selected scene. Plan & draft essay
  • Week 5: Self Assess draft 1 and redraft.

Friday 12th Oct: Submit for teacher assessment

  • Week 6: Redraft essay

Deadline for final submission: Monday 22nd October at 17:00 

Sequence Analysis

Textual analysis essay structure & content.