Film Portfolio Feedback

The Reel

  • Put your best work last.
    • Show development & improvement.
  • You must use black slates to introduce the task(s) in that role and how long each clip runs. For example:

  • You should use black slates between tasks.
  • There should be no copyrighted music in your reel.

The Portfolio Pages

You must define your creative intention for each task!

“Students who fail to clearly state their filmmaker intentions for a film production role will be limited to a mark of 1 in criterion A for that role.”

  • Use a different colour font and make it bold.

The pages should show development & should link:

  • Inquiry – What have you learnt? Leads to …
  • Action – How did you practically apply that learning? Leads to..
  • Reflection – What did you achieve and how would you improve in future?

“…use the language of the inquiry cycle to show how exploration leads to discovery through action and to appropriate evaluation of the impact of research…”

Inquiry Pages
  • You should define the production role on the inquiry page.
  • Quote the sources and then explain what you have learnt.
  • The inquiry page for the horror film, should include some research on German Expressionism or Horror.
Action Pages

The action pages are where you get practical & technical. You should include comments on:

  • Narrative / Character development techniques in the screenplay.
  • Camera Settings
  • Lighting & Camera Setups
  • Timelines, transitions  and effects in the edit.
  • Rehearsals, blocking and actors’ notes.
Reflection Pages

The first thing in your reflection page / section must be a sentence on, how far have you met your creative intention. Think…

  • What went well?
  • Even better if?
  • Link back to inquiry & reflect forward (Next time I would…)

There should be some textual analysis of your own work in the reflection pages.

  • How did your role / decisions contribute to meaning?

Presentation & Layout

  1. The images should take up no more than 20% of the page leaving 80% for your writing.
  2. The images should be relevant and significant – not just YouTube thumbnails
  3. The images must be labelled & referenced on the bibliography page
  4. The link between the images and your words must be obvious.
    • Draw a line!
  5. Proof read for spelling, punctuation and sense.
  6. A helpful structure to your pages could be:
    • Pre Production (Development & Planning)
    • Production (The Shoot)
    • Post Production (The Edit)

The Bibliography

Everything should be referenced:

  • Video essays
  • Articles
  • Books (probably from the video essays)
  • Films

You should use Harvard Referencing