Production Report Final Draft


The final draft of your production report is due this Friday 5th April at 17.00.

It is essential that it is submitted at this time and there is no possibility of extension! It will be marked over the weekend, moderated on Monday 8th and final marks submitted to IB on Tuesday 9th April.

Formatting Your Report

The production report should be formatted as follows:

A title page which should include:

  1. The name of the film.
    • ‘Untitled’ is acceptable.
  2. The Logline
    • This may have changed
  3. Your production role
  4. A table of contents
    1. Creative work in my role as cinematographer, editor, sound designer, director
      • Word Count (approx 1,000 words). p.2
    2. Collaboration with my core production team
      • Word Count (approx 1,000 words) p.?
  5. Works cited p.?
    • These should be referenced using Harvard

Here is an example title page.


It is expected that the production report will include images of: development and planning documents, behind the scenes images from the filming days, screenshots from the film, screenshots from editing applications…

These images should include captions. For example:

‘Figure 1. Examples of preliminary colour correction’


‘Figure 5. Screenshot of my work creating the opening titles’

These captions should be brief and contextualise the images.

They are not included in the overall word count.

Part 1, Creative Work in Your Production Role.
  • The student provides a thorough and discerning justification of their creative choices in order to convey meaning in one film production role during the production phases. This work is detailed, accurate and relevant.

Discussion is likely to evidence the creative work undertaken during the pre-production, production and post-production phases and the ways in which their production skills, techniques and/or approaches were effectively deployed in order to convey meaning and to contribute to the overall effectiveness of the film.

Part 2, Collaboration with your core production team.

This section should begin with a clear statement of the core production team’s agreed intentions for the film.

  • The student provides an insightful reflection on the successes and challenges of their participation in the core production team, discussing how their collaborations helped to fulfill the agreed intentions of the group
  • The student cites informative moments or examples from within the completed film to support their reasoning.

Discussion is likely to evidence the student’s work beyond the one chosen film production role and their approaches to effective group work (through problem-solving, giving and receiving constructive feedback, supporting others, working flexibly, reliably and responsibly and so on). Reflecting on collaboration does not mean that students should see this as an opportunity to complain, blame or criticize the role of other core production team members. Students should cite informative moments and examples from within the completed film to support their reflection.


Here is an annotated example of a production report.

This exemplar would have received a top band mark