Micro Analysis

During this week you should be completing a close micro analysis of your sequence from your film.

So, let’s get down to the micro…

This is a process that you should be familiar with:

  1. Identify specific examples of production techniques:
    • Cinematography
    • Editing
    • Sound
    • Mise-en-scene
      • These examples must be named with a technical term
  2. Analyse the impact that technique, in combination with others, on the audience?
    • How do ‘we’ read the text?

Previous blog posts that contain most of the terms your need:

Sound Design
Production Design

Here are our mind maps on the four micro elements.

Studying the sequence

You should watch the sequence a minimum of five times.

  1. The first watch without stopping to get the gist of the sequence and place it the narrative context of the whole film.
  2. The second and third time should be a stop start screening, where you are looking for specific examples of the film element you are focusing on. You should also consider the immediate emotional impact of the technique (in combination with other micro areas) on the spectator.
  3. The fourth time should be to consider the representation of the characters. What do we now know about the characters that we didn’t know at the beginning of the scene?
  4. The fifth is to try and think about the scene within the whole film how does it contribute to the development of the characters and themes within the whole film

Here are documents to help you make notes on the four micro features as you watch the sequence.

Micro Analysis – 28 Days Later

The purpose of scene analysis is to identify narrative, visual and sound elements and to establish the link between minute detail and broader patterns of development in a film’ Pramaggiore, M., 2011

So, let’s get down to the micro…

This is a process of analysis that you should be familiar with:

  1. Identify specific examples of production techniques:
    1. Cinematography
    2. Editing
    3. Sound
    4. Mise-en-scene
  2. These examples should be named with a technical term
  3. Analyse the impact that technique, in combination with others, on the audience?
    1. How do ‘we’ read the text?
Group Essay

How does the scene, ‘Invasion of Jim’s Family Home,’ use film elements to explore the themes in the film and develop the character journey of Jim & Selena?

In this essay you will be working in groups of four. Each member of the group will be responsible for one paragraph as well as the quality of the essay as a whole. It is expected that you comment on and make suggestions for each others’ work.

This is an important opportunity to practice and refine your scene analysis skills, as well as to learn from each other.

You will be responsible for one of the following paragraphs:

  • An introduction
  • Analysis of cinematography
  • Analysis of sound design
  • Analysis of mise-en-scene
  • Analysis of editing
  • A conclusion

Collectively you will be responsible for the introduction and conclusion, which you will write last.

In total the essay should be a maximum of 1,750 words.


Sound in Film

We have already done some basic exploration of sound when we did the foley sound exercise. This week we are going to go into much more detail in terms of how to describe sound in film and analyse the meaning communicated.

We will be completing an analysis at the end of the week.


You need to be able to describe all the elements of sound that feature in a film. Here is a diagram of those elements that you need to describe and analyse.

Sound Diagram

Diegetic Sound (includes foley)

Non-Diegetic Sound

We’re going to do an analysis of the sound in this sequence from The Return of the Jedi (1983) Marquand, from the beginning to 5.04.

Watch through the clip and make notes using a copy of this document to make your notes.

They key to this is to describe the examples of the various sounds from your text clearly. Here is a blog with some useful ideas about how to describe music.

Sound Recording Task

Record dialogue in a scene using the boom and shot gun mic.

Here is the sequence, from 4.49 until the end.

Here is the script

We will be filming on one camera from two angles and recording using a shotgun mic, external recorder and boom.

We will sync up the sound and video in post using WeVideo. I will upload the footage and you will have to edit the video and sound together.

Here is a link to let you register with our WeVideo account.

  • Here is the group project link to WeVideo for Mr Gregson’s class.
  • Here is the group project link to WeVideo for Miss Hales class.

The Foley Artist

What is Foley?

A Foley Explained and Illustrated

Watch for independent study


Creative Intention: To record Foley sound for a short sequence in order to create a soundscape that adds a ‘…insert own adjective(s) here’ atmosphere.

  1. Create a new Premiere Pro Project in the D Drive of your computer in a project folder called ‘Your Name – Foley Sound’
  2. Download this clip of film into the Project Folder.
  3. Complete a ‘Spotting Session’, where you identify the sounds that should be in the clip, list at least 5 sounds which you will record in the next session.
    • This should also include ambient sound, which will act as the base layer of sound throughout the clip.
  4. Create 5+ Foley sound using various objects that you bring in from home to create an atmosphere for the clip.
  5. In Audition import the sounds and sync them to the sequence.
  6. Create a title slate for the exercise, which includes:
  7. Export your Foley sound sequence, upload to your G Drive & YouTube
  8. Create a sub-page in the Sound section reflective journal called ‘My Foley Sound’
    • Explain the role of the Foley sound artist
    • The process you used to create the sound
    • Reflect on how Foley sound can be used to add meaning to film.



Here is some extra sound effects and loops