March 2

Prelim Task Mood Montage

We chose the Theme practice makes perfect and wanted to base it off victory and determination. We decided to do a montage within a montage which is a post modern approach to the task. We first had to design a storyboard which we could write and draw all the shots we wanted to achieve. At the bottom of the storyboard we wrote who would be responsible for bringing items into school.

This is our storyboard:

To film the montage we went outside on the first day to take shots of the “photographer” taking photos of nature. We had to start the camera before the shot started and end the camera after the shot ended in case we cut anything important out because we can edit the clips shorter. The second day we wanted to be inside taking clips of the “photographer” editing the montage and playing with their own storyboard.

This is our final Montage:

It’s also a good opportunity to look at the assessment criteria relating to filming and ensure that I take those into account during my planning and filming. They are:

1. Holding a shot steady – this we did by using a tripod,
2. Framing a shot
3. (Shooting a) variety of shot distances


  • able to import music
  • no wonky shots
  • able to cut down footage


  • long clips
  • music doesn’t fit
  • some shots are blurry

Throughout the course of making this montage I have learn’t how to cut clips to make them shorter for the montage, I have been able to use my knowledge to put music underneath the montage. I can now put effects on the clips and transition the clips using editing skills. This will aid me in my music video preparation since I need to know how to piece my music video together using transitions and getting my music video to have a strong narrative.

Posted 2nd March 2020 by imogenhayman in category Component 3, Preliminary Tasks

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