September 26

Teacher Feedback – screen castify


  • play with effects and transitions to create more interest on screen
  • include more close up and extreme close up shots to create intensity
  • move the star so that she isn’t in the centre of the screen the whole time
  • use close ups of hands and arms to distract from the out of time dancing
  • more cuts between shots  some shots are too long
  • use effects 3 times
  • make sure sequencing is chronological – some doesn’t make sense
  • create jump cuts for interest


  • add in more effects and ensure that they are in at least 3 times for the comfort of the audience
  • use more shots and angles – some are too long and the interest is lost
  • include more close up shots of hand movements and include movement through the frame
  • include some more obvious jump cuts
  • adapt the pace of edit to fit the tension in the frame

Posted 26th September 2020 by imogenhayman in category Music Video

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