January 23


Here are the adverts I was thinking of using for my magazine:

These adverts are appropriate to my magazine’s audience because both of the artists in the adverts are R&B artists with the sub genre of Hip Hop. These artists are well known throughout the world and would grasp the audiences attention. The adverts are also related to music since my magazine is a music magazine. I also got inspiration for my adverts from my dating profile of someone who would listen to R&B music. For example my profile exclaimed that they like smooth music and bold music. Lyrics that will portray emotion and want.

January 17

Complete Magazine Draft

This is the Complete Magazine Draft:

What went well:

  • got barcode and price (front page)
  • good photos (all pages)
  • logos (front page)
  • font (all pages)
  • editing (contents page and DPS)
  • layout (all pages)
  • colour gradients (contents page)
  • photography bi (DPS)

Even better if:

  • use a different font for my contents page
  • unstrech my Main Cover Star
  • Say what BD means (front page)
  • Explain who ABE is (front page)
  • Explain what is INDSIDE (front page)
  • Move my pug (front page)
  • Shorten cover lines (front page)
  • Explain Logos (front page)
  • don’t over use font (contents page)
  • dont over edit photos (contents page)
  • page numbers bigger (contents page)
  • put contents to pictures
  • un pop the eyes of my model on the DPS

January 17

A New And Improved Contents Page 3rd Draft

This is the new draft of my contents page:

What’s new?

  • I have moved the title of the contents page
  • I made my top model different colours
  • I have made my top model different sizes
  • I have edited my bottom model in Photoshop so she is more dramatic

What’s next?

  • I need to move the writing of my contents
  • I need to make the page numbers a different colour
  • I need to make the page numbers bigger
  • I need to move my top model around
  • I need to make my bottom model bigger


  • To move the writing of my contents
  • To make my page numbers a different colours
  • To make the page numbers bigger
  • To move my top model around
  • To make my bottom model bigger
January 15

A New And Improved DPS 3rd Draft

This is the new draft of my DPS:

What’s changed?

  • I created a pink faded box for my article so it would all be seen
  • I made my picture more dramatic by adding lots of special effects on it
  • I changed the colour of my drop capital
  • I faded out my picture from the left to right for drama
  • I gave my models head an outline so people could get eye contact from the model straight away

What’s next?

  • I need to change the colour of my models eyes
  • I need to move my model so she isn’t covering the Title
  • I need to move my credits closer to the middle of the magazine
  • I need to move my page numbers in more
  • I need to give more colour to my pink box


  • To change the colour of my models eyes
  • To move my model so she isn’t covering the Title
  • To move my credits closer to the middle of the magazine
  • To move my page numbers in more
  • To give more colour to my pink box
January 7

So… How is it going?

A transferable skill is ‘an ability or expertise which may be used in a variety of roles or occupations. Examples include communication, problem-solving and self-control’.

Within the process of making my music magazine, exploring mise-en-scene, developing meta narratives, I have developed many of my transferable skills.

  • Communication: I can now communicate better with other students in the class. I can use many different forms of communication as well. For example I can communicate via speaking to people in person, over social media and over my blog.
  • Problem-solving: When facing issues on Indesign and Photoshop, I have overcome them by asking my peers and my teachers for help. I also researched how to do certain tasks online. The internet has really helped me through this. When I couldn’d find anything I kept working until I sorted it.
  • Self-control:I have given myself targets and let my peers and teacher give me feedback on my material and ideas.
  • Team work:I have worked with the people in my class to be able to build a good relationship with them where we can give each other feedback and critic with good advice. We have taught each other how to do certain thing on Photoshop and Indesign. We have also written essays together with means we have shared ideas and taken different peoples opinions into account.
  • Time management:I have managed to get in any essays or work in for set deadlines, and I have prioritised certain tasks that need to be completed before others.

In my opinion, I believe that I have used my time wisely which has helped me to take and edit good images from my photoshoots, detailed research about the R&B genre, artists like NE-YO and magazines like Billboard and carefully planned magazine pages. Even though I think positively of my work, there are improvements to be made. For example, I need to keep working on my  images and I need to edit and experiment with my fonts, adding bold colours to them so that they fit in with the R&B genre.