April 22

editing textual analysis

This is a montage from Edgar Writes Hot fuzz, this is a montage of the main character moving out the city to a small village, this montage has repetitive themes such as the light up sign of a take featuring twice throughout and repeatedly featuring a shot of his telephone losing more and more signal to straight him leaving the city. The editing is quick each clip not more than 3 seconds but as each clip changes the conatcnt throughout is Nicolas angel (our star) and his plant probably trying to straight his permanence after the move after al no one brings a house plant on a week holiday to the north of England.

January 15

Pans labyrinth final essay feedback

I feel my essay went well and explores some good themes and ideas throughout but if I was to do it again I would place a bigger focus on the punctuation used as sometimes it can make a simple sentence needlessly complicated. I would also explore the ideas brought up in greater detail. Overall i feel the essay was a success and i do like void of the issues that come with it.

January 13

Super hero analysis

Batman averts the standerd hero archetype as unlike most other superheros who are spangled in bright colors and charismatic faces while demonstrating  heroic attributes for the press or some form of media, or at least that’s what the classic hero archetype would suggest, batman however is a dark brooding character who hides from the media or authority. He has no super powers and relies purely on his skill wallet and how intimidating he is as a figure instead, he also mentally has different ideology than most heros constantly questioning himself and the things he does witch is starkly different to most heroes who are rather self obsessed and arrogant outside there standerd job.


January 10

The Ultimate Villain (the joker)

The Dark Knight — Creating the Ultimate Antagonist(summary)

Like most villain the joker attacks Bat mans Greatest weakness, Witch in batman’s case is batman’s ability to intimidate as the joker doesn’t care and inst afraid of anything including death Bat man has no power over the joker.

The Joker also makes decisions that are designed to make batman have to make decisions that question his moral code revealing the true nature of his character, a good villain makes decisions that pressure the hero to do this and the joker reflects this attribute.

Batman is faced with a sires of conundrums that test his characters the joker claiming every day batman doesn’t hand himself in people will die , batman refutes him witch tells the audience that batman has what it takes to be a hero even if the joker proves to always be one step ahead of batman.

Both batman and the joker are after the same thing, they both have a vision of what Gotham city should be and are both fighting for it to be realized. Although batman is fighting for peace and life without crime in Gotham city and the joker purely wants to create anarchy and upset the establishment.

The joker seems aware of this face claiming he wouldn’t risk loosing a battle for the ”soul” of Gotham, the joker knows they both effectively want Gotham but effectively only one can have it.

December 12

super hero analysis

Batman in the dark night subverts the classic hero archetypes by being dark and depressing compared to other joyful contenders, he also doesn’t  follow the same rules that other characters might follow for instance on multiple occasions during the dark night batman tortures people and intentionally breaks bones etc to villains rather than what most hero would do witch wouldn’t be torture and would not be as brutal. Also the majority of super hero,s have super powers or abilities,batman has none of this he is simply a a kid with a bunch of money.