October 14

context surrounding pans labrynth

The context surrounding a particular film inst integral as in my personal opinion i believe that a good film like pans labyrinth should be good even without the context, that being said knowing the context of a film in every aspect gives me another layer of appreciation while experiencing it for instance during pans a key part is the Spanish civil war witch allows us to understand the fascist regime but also just understanding Del Toros cultural background as he grew up in a very religious Spanish family helps us appreciate the church imagery throughout.

October 14

Narrative Analysis of a Up (Docter) 2009

The image here depicts a 5 act story being told, the a=example i used was the 2009 pixar film up. i thought up was a good example as it has a very simple story to understand and is well recognized. A stranded five act story would start with establishing the world, time and relationships in this case the world is the US the time ranges from the 60,s till present (2009)  and the opening explains the relationship between Carl and his wife before she tragically dies. Act two usually consists of the catalyst that sends the characters on some sort of adventure in this instance its a combination a unknown company trying to buy Carl’s house and the fear he will die not having seen the Niagara falls so in a last effort he decides to take the plunge and fly his house there and unknowing takes a boy scout with him by the name of Russel. Act three is when the conflict is introduced into the story giving the characters stakes and keeping the audiences attention grabbed in this case the conflict in this film the kidnapping of Russel the boy scout as Carl has no option but to carry on flying there however morally reprehensible. Act four consists of the protagonists gaining some advantage that could help in there effort in this case that would be Carl and Russel coming across Kevin the bird and Doug the dog. Finally act 5 is the climax in witch the protagonists defeat the antagonists and in this case its the team being chased of the island by adventurer Charles muntz, its not always the case but usually in act five the characters come back to there previous situation having learned something for instance Carl in end learns his humanity.