Genre Poster

Genre Poster – Sci/Fi

In my poster there are some repertoire of elements that include:

  • Aliens
  • Science
  • Key features of films (  The Spok hand )
  • Futuristic settings
  • Lightsaber

The Sci/Fi genre can be about space, time travel, aliens or a mixture of all three. Sci/Fi films are complex and normally have similar details that vairy etween the films, they normally explore larger themes or making subliminal comments on society.

Trailer for the 1979 Sci/Fi film, Alien. Directed by Ridley Scott :


Genre is easy to identify because of its repertoire of elements and my class mates were quick to identify our poster. I, in turn, was able to recognise their posters because of the symbolism they used.

Genre– category based on similarities in narrative elements or emotional responses to a film, in association with “conventions”, iconography or narratives.

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