Horror Narrative

Narrative analysis of Nosferatu 1922- F.W Murnau


Film Title: Nosferatu (1922) Mernau or Let the Right One In (2008) Alfredson (Delete as applicable)
The characters? 

Who are the central characters in the narrative? 

Central Protagonist(s)

Jonathan harker

Ellen hunter

(Monster) Villain

Count orlok

The rats?


ellen hunter

The ship’s captain and crew.

Donor / Helper

Ellen hunter- she distracts him but then dies.


Where does the story happen?

Is the setting important to the story?





The shipping village is where they figure out that the plague is coming from the rats.

Transylvania is where the count’s castle is, and where the majority of the story takes place.


Which character do we identify with?

What do they learn & how do they change?


Jonathan hunter- acts cowardly and naive to the situation until his love one is in danger and then rushes to save her- even though he doesn’t in the end

What do they learn?

That the count is a vampire and that the rats represent the plague.


What event / character’s action upsets the world of the story?

What is the significant event, early in the film, which changes the world for the central protagonist?

The Count wants to drink Jonathan’s blood, and it is revealed to him that he is a vampire and in danger.

Rising Action

How does the situation get worse for the characters towards the midpoint crisis?

What is the midpoint event in the narrative?

The count travels to wisborg, via boat bringing rats with him.

How does the situation get worse?

The rats spread the disease and the count puts people in danger by sucking their blood.

Falling Action

How do the characters work towards a resolution to the problem

How do the central protagonists try to protect themselves and fight the monster?

Ellen calls  for professor Bulwer who discovers that behind the plague the rats are to blame. But behind the rats there is an evil power lurking and he has this whole lecture on parasitism.

Resolution (Denouement)

How is the world of the story fixed? 

What event in the narrative fixes the world for the central protagonists?

Ellen invites the count in to suck her blood, he gets distracted and burns in the sun (which is so dumb that his one weakness he just completley forgets about, and where was the garlic?!)


The moral to the tale, an underlying message or theme?

What is the audience supposed to learn?

What ideas are revealed in the final outcome? How is evil defeated and how is the world a ‘better’ place?

Xenophobia- threat from foreihn things.

Dangers with sexuality.

The plague/occult

Fear in the not human

Morning and night/ movement of time

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