Textual Analysis Recap

Slumdog Millionaire 2008, Danny Boyle, is a Romance Drama set in the slums of Mumbai India during the 1990s and also the early 2000s. The film explores the dejected poverty and privation of impoverished people of India and principally the suffering of the Muslim children during the Hindi-Muslim religious violence, where approximately 10,000 people died. We see two protagonists, Salim and Latika, young adults who take different paths who appear in the visionary flashbacks of Jamal on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, these flashbacks cause the narrative to be non-linear.

In this scene, we are shown the brutal violence the Muslim people of Mumbai had to ordeal. This is exemplified by the repetition of their mother being killed. The first time we are shown, it is in normal speed and shot normally, the second time we see it we are shown it as a POV of Salim. This is done to show how that moment is embedded into his memories, that he can see this memory again and again in his head, Boyle uses this repetition to show this.

Boyle uses a wipe transition between Salim’s memory and the present. A wipe transition is typically used to establish a change in the narrative and or storyline. Boyle uses this to bring his memories into the present and to show that it still affects him till the present. The slow wipe acts as an overlay, the shot becomes more intense and visual. Salim’s shell shocked face parallel the horrors that persist in his brain, this gives the audience the feeling of extra space within the film as well as an association between the memories and the person.

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