Genre Poster


My genre poster was about romance and the elements that go into a romance film. I found this very easy to draw and it was very recognisable by the class, as the main goal was for the class to guess what genre we had drawn. They guessed romance almost instantly.

We started off just by drawing a heart as all the movies are about love and a heart is a very easy way to depict that. We also drew some popular films that we know of that where romance, such as The Titanic, Cinderella, and Dirty Dancing. Then we started drawing some features that are also associated with romance like:

  • Disapproving father
  • Love triangle
  • Love letters
  • Marriage and weddings
  • Valentines day

Overall I think our Poster represents the genre romance very well and is is easy to link the two together.

My Favourite Film

My Slideshow


I really enjoyed this film because I like the atmosphere this film creates. A macro I  enjoyed was the genre of the film which is musicals and how happy it is and makes you feel. A micro feature that really draws me to the movie is the costumes of the cast.