Overall searching into the Mise en Scene and Camera framing through the camera features, it has given me an insight to the different components that need to be thought-about to represent a narrative through the denotations and connotations.

Mise en Scene also translated as “placing on stage.” This is a French expression that refers to the design or the arrangement of everything as it appears in the framing of a film or photo. For example, the components you need to consider :

  • Costume
  • Lighting
  • Acting
  • Makeup and Hair
  • Props
  • Setting

Each component should link to the narrative to create a specific story and represent a certain image to the audience represented through the denotations and connotations. If one part doesn’t link correctly to the theme, then it will make it very hard to adjust and feel emotions or feelings from the composition, which may lead to misinterpretation of the piece.

Furthermore, the photography techniques provide a significant part to communicate meaning. For example, through the :

  • Camera angles (high, low, canted x3, aerial)
  • Distance (ECU, MS, LS)
  • Composition (rule of thirds, lead space, depth of field x3)

For example, if you were trying to create a phlegmatic styled photo, you would plan it by using Mise en Scene and different Camera techniques. You would use a warm coloured clothing like yellow, light lighting, contempt facial expression, open body language, natural makeup and neat hair, and the photo being taken a cool and calm place (the beach with a cool-toned background or somewhere with nature; in grass). For the photo you could use a low angle to represent power and joy or a mid-shot to show the wholesome of the landscape and how you are at peace. This assembles an idea of freedom and relaxation. This follows the exact theme to create and successfully portray your narrative. If one of the components didn’t fit the message through the account it would become very confusing.

Therefore all of these components have indicated the links between Mise en Scene, narrative and sticking to your theme which needs to interlink throughout for it to be clearly interpreted to the audience when making my media and successfully display the denotations and connotations.