Below displays a mood board with my 9 favourite photos, and this includes the type of shot and features used through the denotation and connotations. For example, the photo in the middle left with a blue carpet. We used a high shot to convey how vulnerable and alone I am. We also added a look upwards which draws attention to how I look fearful and scared and presents a narrative to the picture. Even though I as the actor is in each photo, the use of photography through the features and also the Mise en Scene creates a narrative to each composition in order to create different feelings and apprehensions.

My favourite picture is the bottom right of my model behind a net with a long shot angle looking out into the camera. It provides a depth of field to the picture as it blurs the background to bring attention to my model. This provides a narrative by focusing on her facial expressions and inferring a mysterious and unease to the photo.

This will help me in my music magazine to analyse the different types of shot and the angles used to creative a narrative but also the depth of field or the aperture used and the proxemics of my model to create a narrative.