Mission Statement: Chartz provides readers with the chance to keep up to date with the latest charts and artists that interest them. We also strive to engage our readers with the magazine by doing so we will create a sense of belonging and interest.

My brand values: Chartz aspires to provide good customer service and give good quality content about the latest hits and gossip. 

I have learnt about the camera 

  • Shutter Speed
  • Aperture
  • ISO
  • Framing 
  • Distance 
  • Shot Type 
  • Angle 
  • Composition 

I have learnt about Mise-en-scene 

  • Costume (Class and Status)(Time period)
  • Lighting 
  • Acting (Proxemics)(Body Language) 
  • Make-up
  • Props
  • Setting 

Through everything I have learned about  Mise-en-scene and Camera I can think about what Chartz mission is and how they want to be portrayed as a brand to my targeted audience. Furthermore how my Magazine presents a narrative. 

Furthermore, I have learnt about star image through the Paradox of the Star and how a performer can seem ordinary and extraordinary and both present and absent. This represents how, as a fan they aim to see and meet there performers. This can be suggested through my target audience demographics, psychographics, situations and cultural experiences which is clearly represented through Stuart Hall and his ‘Reception Theory.’ 

This all helps me create a bigger picture for my shoot and how my composition with be represented to my target audience.