For our montage planning, we worked in pairs to create a storyboard. The theme we choose was “there is no place like home” which as we developed out storyboard we focused on the theme and the ideas, mood and emotions that we can convey. These 15 shots will help with our 40 seconds of filming and will include different images, types of shots and use different facial expression, actions and objects.

When then followed the storyboard changing a few ideas as we went along to fit the location to create our montage video in Premier Pro.


  • Transitions and shots fit together to create a narrative
  • The varied shots make the montage engaging
  • Props created a better sense to the Mise-en-scene


  • Some camera shots could be more engaging by using frames
  • The music is quite upbeat for the home atmosphere
  • A few more shots not filmed at school to make the video more homelike

I have learnt that montage editing focuses on an editing technique in which shots are juxtaposed in a fast-paced fashion, this compresses time and conveys a lot of information in a short period of time. This will help me toward my music video production as knowing how to use this editing technique effectively can help me convey a lot of information at once, heighten tension, comparing and contrasting, revealing characters and can help combine multiple story lines. I can also experiment with the film techniques such as quick cuts, music and supers. By using Premier Pro I advanced my editing skills to compose a video and then exported the video to YouTube.

I think my montage had an impact as it provided a narrative to the audience with different shots and actions that created “no place like home”. This provides a sense of story as everyone is making school like home with the taking shoes off, eating chocolate and socializing on phones. The mid shot of me drinking a tea and looking at the weather at 0:18 is very British and portrays a relaxed and laid back side to the montage, watching the day go past. There is no sense of progression, it provides more of a sequence of different things you would do at home. Additional shots I would have liked to use to communicate further my idea are shots that are done in a more homelike location. This can include shots such as cooking, watching TV and taking off makeup.

Focusing forward I am able to use Premier Pro and know where to place my videos in a sequence in order to create a narrative.