Revised Ideas

Since joining Year 13 shuffles to my timetable have demanded that I can no longer continue with my old group on our music video and have been put into a new class where I have teamed up with Marcus Rees and Simon Bradley. This group had already pitched their idea for a music video and I will be helping out with the construction of “Mirror in the Bathroom” by The Beat.

Their Pitch:

Filmed Pitch Feedback:

I liked their ideas of narcissism and vanity to link into the performance and narrative since these themes are clearly highlighted through the lyrics. The themes of media representation in our modern age is also an interesting concept to explore especially since it will appeal to a wide target audience. I believe that the conventions of Ska are very clear and will be easy to construct a star image around, we will ensure our performers are smartly dressed. Also the satirical nature of the genre is appealing.

Things I suggested:

  • The use of the school pavilion and bathrooms for a filming the location.
  • The mise-en-scene of a Harrington jacket for our guitarist.
  • The use of newspapers and magazines for the band to dance on in order to send a political message
  • A emphasis on close-ups of the instruments to communicate the talented star image.

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