Digipack feedback and targets

After completing our digital mock up of our digipak we sought out precious feedback in order to see what works and what doesn’t when it comes to conveying the genre and creating an appropriate star image.

What’s good?:

  • The mise-en-scene is fun and contributes well to the star image of the band.
  • The black and white checker is conventional and the close ups of the band show exaggerated emotion well.
  • The track lengths on the back cover help the consumer.
  • The front panel is energetic and the fonts fit with the band and the digipak design.


  • Improve the editing on the front and inside left cover to make it more polished and professional.
  • Fix the scaling of the spin so that it correctly fits inside the CD case.
  • Make the front cover image black and white apart from the band members themselves to show they are colorful and diverse individuals and to draw attention to the band themselves.
  • Considering changing the font of the band and the album title on the front cover as it appears too “romantic” and “old” rather than relenting the progressive and dynamic feel of Ska.

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