Draft 2 feedback and targets

As a group we constructed and sent out a Google Form to various classmates in order to gain constructive feedback on the second draft of our advert.

  • The vast majority of people recognized that the advert represented a Ska band and thus the genre has been successfully communicated through the design and the construction of the star image.

  • The band is seen to be very colorful against a monochrome backdrop which successfully draws the consumers attention.
  • One person found the image to be very cluttered which may discourage some consumers.
  • Others did not understand why the band members were reacting in an exaggerated manner highlighting the enigma code, however I believe this to be positive since it only creates intrigue and interest in the product and star image.

  • The two most prevalent answers suggested that the advert clearly conveys both satire and that the band are carefree which is consistent with out aims.
  • Some also thought that surprise was revealed by the poster as well as a relaxed attitude which is true per each individual reaction from the band.

  • 6 people were on the fence or likely to purchase the associated products based on the strength of the advert.
  • 2 people would certainly buy the album on the merit of our advert alone.

  • We asked the respondents to suggest their improvement as we move to complete our final draft and the general consensus found that some items such as the record label and distributors logos are too large, we will use Photoshop to resize where appropriate. Also one person believed too many fonts were in use, but I feel like this unpredictability and non-conformity ties in well with the Ska genre.

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