Shoot evaluation – performance

Now that we have completed the performance shoot of our media video it is time to reflect on the ups and downs of the recording process.


What went well?

  • The premises we used was clean and empty when we came to use it, we asked in advance for permission to use the space and I feel it fits the song very well
  • We ensured we used multiple cameras at all times and ran through the song a few times with our actors so they could get a feel of how to perform in relation to the camera.
  • All of our mise-en-scene was brought it by those whom held responsibility, our actors were already changed into their costumes and we assembled the drum kit in minutes allowing us maximum filming and directing time.
  • Directing our performers was often straightforward since our communication skills were effective allowing us to achieve exactly what we wanted emotion wise shot for shot, this also allowed us to get multiple different shots at the same time as we were confident in our approach to setting up the performers and shots.


What went wrong?

  • We wasted valuable recording time at the start and end of the allocated slot since we began having to move our recording equipment including cameras and tripods into the pavilion. Furthermore we were pressured at the end since the space was needed by the school football team which demanded we pack up and left early.
  • One of our three camera batteries died immediately at the start of the shoot meaning one of our group members had to stand around for some time since we only had two remaining between all three of us. This has cost us a plethora of useful shots that could of been used in the music video.
  • It was often difficult to get our performers confidence up in order to achieve the most energetic shots of the music video. Notably, our guitarist struggled to come to terms with when in the music video the guitar was prevalent and how to strum realistically rendering many of our shots useless since they are clearly improvised.

For our next shoot we will ensure we leave ample time to prepare our environment ready for the actors so filming can begin immediately. It is also paramount to supply fully charged camera batteries to maximize filming potential. It will also be wise to instill a sense of confidence in our actors and show them the techniques of musical instruments to guarantee authenticity.

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