Category: Evaluation

Evaluation question 4

To review the technological processes and decision I made throughout the creation of my projects I have created a Pinterest board detailing individual pieces of software and hardware and how they have made an impact on the success of my advanced portfolio. My Pinterest page can be viewed by clicking on the image below.

Evaluation question 3

To evaluate the feedback we received over the whole process and the impactful decisions which were made from this, we, as a group, have created a voice thread presentation where we have systematically reviewed each stage of the process. You can view our feedback and evaluation presentation below.

Evaluation Question 2

We have created a directors commentary over our music video in order to explain how our three main ancillary texts link, we have reviewed, with references to various media theorists, how all three products serve to represent the genre, entice the key demographics as well as how they are structured. You can view our commentary below.

Evaluation Question 1

To reflect on how well I implemented, developed or challenged what would be expected of the Ska genre I have constructed a slide show below detailing how all my products stand up against a range of professional products and what effect this has for the consumer.