My Copy Of A Professional Magazine Front Cover.

We explored different elements of the NME magazine cover, implementing our depth in understanding of the various components used in a magazine cover (Masthead, plugs/pugs, Cover Star, ect). We gained this understanding by attempting to copy a given NME magazine, recreating it to be exact as possible. Not only did this task add to my skills in terms of using photoshop and indesign, but it also made me think about why the original creator of the magazine cover created it the way he/she did and what meanings and messages are being portrayed in it. Whilst trying to match the colours, text font, images, language and overall positioning and layout; I have opened my eyes to other areas of Indesign which I previously would not have thought about using.

Below is an image of my copy of the NME magazine cover which I was given:


Here is the original copy of the NME magazine cover:

My strengths when recreating the magazine cover:

  • The layout and placement of the text is similar.
  • The original creator of this magazine didn’t use one simple image, but instead photoshopped two together therefore I thing I remade this well.

My weaknesses when recreating the magazine cover:

  • The pink colouring for the masthead (PARAMORE) is slightly off, mine being more red under-toned and the original being more purple under-toned.
  • The main cover stars faced was photoshopped slightly, enhancing her features. Her eyes were main a far more intense and vibrant green and her lips made more pink. I could have attempted to do this on photoshop which would have made my copy of the poster look more similar.
  • In the original poster the main cover-stars head overlaps the NME logo however in mine the logo over laps her head. This was due to the fact I created the merge  of the two images using photoshop prior to inserting them on indesign therefore I couldn’t separate them to create that sense of layering and dimension like the initial magazine cover.

There were certain aspects of indesign and photoshop which I struggled with. Therefore I watched three youtube tutorials which walked me through the steps I needed when coming across these obstacles.

  • This video helped me cut out my main image before playing it over another.


  • Whilst using Indesign I found locking and unlocking images and text difficult.


  • I was unsure on how to get more of a colour selection with indesign so this video showed me how.

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