Test Shoots


We decided to take a small segment of our chosen song Rango, and make a 15 second video of it. This helped us practice lip syncing, transitions, and editing. In one of our lessons we went outside and practiced some potential shots that we may use when we come to produce our music video. After gaining the footage required, we decided to upload it to Premiere Pro. We then experimented with some of the edits/transitions, this again is going to be extremely beneficial when it comes to producing our music video. It also gave our performer a chance to gain some experience in lip syncing, which is going to be an important factor of our video.

Positives from the test shoot

  • Use of different editing techniques meant that it was an entertaining watch.
  • Our performer was in time with his lip syncs, which meant it matched the song when it was added in when editing.
  • Different camera shots, this helped keep the music video interesting and not too flat.
  • The fast edits matched the song nicely as it was a fast tempo segment of the song.

How to improveĀ 

  • Next time we need to use a tripod more, the hand were fairly stable however it could have been more sturdy.
  • Take mise-en-scene into consideration, this would mean that the performer can be represented as extraordinary.
  • Add more different angle, there was no use of a low angle shot at a time where one could have been used perfectly.


I think that this was an extremely important task to complete because it meant that our group gained some experience on shooting music videos. We also gained some knowledge on how we can make the video more interesting by adding unique transitions/edits. As well as finding out what shots worked, we also found out what shots did not work as well and we now know not to use them in our music video. We also discovered how the music video represents the star in an ordinary and extraordinary way, this was helpful to learn because we can take advantage of it when shooting our music video. By completing this task, I have learnt so many things that I can use in the future of the project.

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