Music Video Draft 1 – Rough Cut


In this task, I will be analysing the first draft of our music video of Rango. This first draft contains footage from our first two shoots, and we have had our first attempt of editing them together. We had enough footage for both the narrative and performance side of the video, which meant we could put the first draft together fairly easily.

Below is our groups first draft for our music video:


  • The lip syncing and band is in time with the video.
  • The fast pace edit at the beginning of the music video.
  • Performance clips had good lighting, meaning that they did not require much post editing.
  • The editing is put together correctly, meaning the narrative and performance interact together to make sense.


  • Throughout the music video, some shots are too long meaning that it gets boring.
  • We need to shoot a variety of shots, for example more extreme close ups.
  • Colour correction could be introduced. We are considering making all of the narrative black and white.

Targets For Improvement 

For our next music video shoot to be a success, I believe that we need to get a larger variety of shots. One way that we can do this is by using multiple cameras, this will mean that we can get shots with different depths of fields. We could also reconsider who we use as our actors because the current ones lacked a bit of expression/emotions.


This was an important task to complete because it meant that the group are now able to see what needs to be done to improve our music video. We have set ourselves some targets for improvement, meanwhile noting down what went well.

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