Narrative Development


Before undertaking our second video shoot, we decided to plan out what we would do to best make use of the limited time we had. During this task we decided what the structure of our music video, how we would use conflict, how the use of mise-en-scene would help portray our ideas, the key moments of the narrative, and how we would end the music video. This helped us get an idea of what we would need to capture on the day of the shoot. We now have a plan that we can refer to if we are struggling with ideas when shooting or editing. By completing this task we are much more confident that we will be able to have a successful video shoot.

The document we used to plan our narrative. (Click to view in full)


By completing this task, we were able to gain an idea of what we need to do to make sure that we spend our time wisely when shooting our narrative section of the music video. This will mean that we need to capture the exact parts so when we edit our video in Premiere Pro, we are able to get the structure perfect, with the key moments and ending all being portrayed as we hoped. Narrative is important in our music video, as it will illustrate a storyline to our audience, this means that it needs to be sequenced in the right order to ensure that it makes perfect sense to the consumer.

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