Shoot 2 Reflection (Narrative)


In this task I will reflect on our second shoot. This shoot was solely focused on the narrative side of the music video, this was important because our first shoot we only gained footage of the band performance. We decided we would shoot our music video narrative at the Pleinmont Bunker and around the Fairy Ring, this took a lot of thought however we decided this was suited best for our narrative. The shoot did not go as well as we had wished for, however there was definitely both positives and negatives to take away.

Below are some images from our second shoot:


What went well?

  • Our performer did his job well, this resulted in the shots we did get looking good.
  • We overcame an issue with the exposure, this shows that we can be resilient in future shoots.
  • The location was exactly what we hoped for, and we think we can definitely use the scene in our final product.
  • Good use of mise-en-scene meant that it looked conventional in our chosen genre.

How to improve?

  • We need to check the weather forecast before we go and reshoot, it was way too windy meaning that it effected the camera.
  • We were not as prepared as we could have been, and were missing a performer and a crucial prop to make the shoot work as well as possible.
  • For the first couple of shots we did not realise the exposure on the camera, this resulted in the footage being way darker than what we wanted.
  • We tried doing too many transitions, and need to make sure that we have still shots before filming with weird transitions that could be added in post.


Overall I think that shoot was not successful. We will have to go back to the location and re-shoot our footage, this is because the quality of the shots we did get were too dark or the wind ruined it. We also need to make sure that in our next shoot we have the performers and props needed, this is necessary for our narrative to work as well as possible. However, by doing this shoot we have learnt some things that will help us in the future, for example to check the winds before a shoot. As a group we are now able to move forward and improve our footage for our final music video.


Risk Assessment for Shoot 2


When shooting a music video, we are likely to encounter some potential risks. To minimise the chance of these risks becoming an issue we decided to fill out a risk assessment. By completing this document the group were made aware of the different hazards, and how they can be avoided safely.


This was an important task to complete because it meant that the whole group were made aware of the potential risks we could encounter when shooting our music video. It also meant that we would know who was responsible if something was to go wrong when filming.

Production Meeting for Shoot 2 (Narrative)


After noticing how important the first meeting agenda was, we decided to complete a similar document for our next one. This meant that we could have a clear outline of what we wanted to achieve from the shoot; we decided to focus this shoot solely on the narrative shots. As a result of this decision we realised we would have to change our location and miss-en-scene.

Below is the document presenting the outcome of our meeting agenda:


This was an important task to complete because the whole group was made aware of their responsibilities. We decided this was crucial to ensure the shoot went as successful as the one prior. Having good organisation will also help with upcoming tasks, and I believe completing this helped massively.

Video Narrative Story/Shot sheets


This task required the group to come together to sketch out a rough idea of what shots we wanted to get from our narrative shoot. By completing this task we will be able to have a better idea of what shots we would hope to get, whether it was from different angles or distances. We also thought that it would be beneficial to note down what transitions we would use. From the start of this task we knew that we needed to shoot more shots than necessary because it makes the editing process much easier.

Below are the sketches we have used for planning:


This was an important task to undertake because now the group are all clear about what shots we will need to take when it comes to the day of the shoot. We have all understood that it will be necessary to take all shots from different angles and distances to ensure that when editing we have the perfect clip for the music video. By completing this task we all now know how we can shoot each shot differently.

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