Specsavers Feedback


This task required our group to receive feedback from a professional editor at Specsavers. This was extremely helpful because we can now use expert advice to improve our music video to the next level.

How To Improve

  • Shoot a variety of angles of the narrative, in order to keep the tempo of video up.
  • Introduce the doll later on in the music video, this allows us to spread our shots out further across the video.
  • Show the girl with a picture of the boy (vice versa), this will make the music video more understandable for the audience.
  • Make the narrative as clear as possible.


This was a very important task to complete because we are now able to improve our music video, knowing exactly what to improve. We were also able to receive feedback on the positives and what went well in our video, this means that we now know what not to change in our music video.

Teacher Feedback – Screencastify


In this task I will be analysing the feedback that was given by our teacher on our music video second draft. This will be beneficial because it means that we will be able to reflect on our previous draft and improve it to the next step.#

Below is a screencastify, where the teacher displayed his thoughts:

How to improve

To ensure that our next draft is an improvement of the previous we will ensure that we:

  • Add some more jump shots of the performance,
  • Remove the grained filter over some of the narrative shots in bunker,
  • Move some of the effects, as they were well done however put in the wrong part of the music video,
  • Add a larger variety of the shots of the band performing, as we have only used a small selection as of yet,
  • Introduce the actress earlier on in the music video, this will help make it less confusing. Make sure to add in enough shots of the doll, her face, her hands, the knife stabbing the doll, her movements and the setting surrounding her.


This was a very useful task to undertake because it meant that we had some advice from an individual who has more experience in making music video, and most importantly a third party piece of feedback. This is helpful because sometimes it takes someone else to view something, to find the smaller errors.

Music Video Draft 2


As we have progressed our music video to the next stage, we decided that we stop here and make this our second draft. We are happy with the progress that we have made from the first draft. As a group I think we have worked tremendously as a team, as we are all aware of the responsibilities that we hold. In order to get to the next stage I think that we should look at what previous students produced previously in a similar genre. Below is the music video that we have chosen:

What we like from the previous video:

  • There was a great variety of a distances and angles, which worked well coherent to create a constant feel.
  • The group has worked well in post product to include some impressive visual effects.
  • Good constant lighting throughout, this meant that the whole video felt as one.

Here is our Second Draft!

How will we improve?

  • We need to make the most of all the narrative footage we have and spread it out across the video, instead of just certain sections.
  • Ensure that there are no sequences missing in the music video.
  • Add filters on all of the narrative (black and white), this means that the audience will be able to tell it apart from the performance.
  • Rearrange theĀ  sequence at the start of the music video, this will hopefully make the narrative more understandable for the audience.


After completing this task, the group are far more aware of what we need to improve in the next draft. We have also gained some ideas of what previous students have done to produce a good music video.

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