Digipak Draft 2


Following the success of our first digipak draft, the group decided to make a second draft. This meant that we were able to develop our targets into a genuine product. We have also discovered an efficient way of working, meaning that we could get work done to a better standard and at a faster rate. Below are the current images we will be using in our digipak:

Here are the changes we have made:

  • Firstly we moved the band name/logo the middle of the page. This allows the consumers to gain a faster understanding of what band produces the album.
  • We also had to make a slight change of the size of the inside images.
  • The group also noticed that we needed to add the album name to the spines of the digipak.
  • Finally, we added an effect on photoshop to our band name.

Here is some feedback we received from our teacher:

What went well…

  • Good use of depth of field,
  • The photos were well shot,
  • A solid concept/idea has been put in place,
  • Great use of mine-en-scene, especially props.

How to improve…

  • The tracklist needs to be made more visible,
  • Work on making the spines more aesthetically pleasing,
  • Includes frames of the front cover photo.
  • Increase the size of the band logo,
  • Add the copyright information and especially a barcode.


As a group we are very happy with how how our digipak has developed, we have a created a start to a digipak that we can continue working on to make it is the best as possible. The group have discussed what we need to do in order to meet the conventions that we wish to follow, which will best suit our target audience. With the help of the feedback that we received from our teacher, I believe that we have all the tools necessary to succeed in the third draft.

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