Favourite Music Video from Former Student


I decided to go through the former student’s music videos on the Guernsey media youtube channel, to find one I liked the most. Here is my favourite music video from a former student:

Why I liked this music video


I like this video because of the amazing use of mise-en-scene. The mise-en-scene used told a story to the audience, it led to the music video having a fantastic narrative. All of the performers were wearing similar outfits (beaten up shorts, wooden bead necklaces, and no top). The make-up on the individuals in perfectly suited to the costumes that they are wearing to create the perfect look. Without the make-up and costume the music video would not be anywhere near as good as they have made it, as it tells a lot of the story. Before making the video, it was clear that the group had planned exactly where they wanted to film the music video and had thought about the time of day, this was also important when they were trying to show off their narrative. Throughout the music video, there were some fantastic props, for example there was a djembe, this worked perfectly relating the music to the narrative.

Use of camera

The music video uses a variety of camera shots, each having a slight different meaning. The group used long shots well to really show off the setting that they had a used, an example of this was the group dancing on top of the Dolmen. They also used some close ups when lip syncing, this was good for the performance side of the music video, meanwhile showing off the emotions of the performer. The group used fairly simple editing techniques which worked very well for the music video because of the narrative. If they had over-edited the video it would cause confusion for the audience.


This was an important task to complete because it meant that I was able to see what I would have to complete myself. It also gave me some ideas of what I could potentially do myself when I create my own music video. It has made me think about what works/doesn’t work in a music video.

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