How did you integrate technologies (software, hardware and online) in this project?

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I am a Media Prosumer

Here is my collage of pictures that represents the media that I consume.

On a daily basis I contribute to many parts of the media, for example listening to the radio, reading the newspaper, or watching television. A person who interacts with the media is called a prosumer. Everybody uses the media differently to fulfil their needs and desire, for example I may watch mid90’s (a film) whereas somebody else may choose to use the media to educate themselves. The four fundamental different categories of media that we use are: information, social interaction, personal identity and entertainment.

In the early 1970’s Elihu Katz came up with the uses and gratification theory, this theory is an attempt to try and understand why people across the world are always trying to find certain media for their own needs. Katz noticed that people were actively trying to seek ways to use the media and was intrigued why. His two colleagues Jay Blumler and Michael Gurevitch would later go on to expand his idea/theory.

I decided to find out this information because as I go on to make my own media I need to know that everybody uses it different ways. It is interesting that the different types of media uses different techniques to attract their audience, this may be the colour, text or images. After doing this research I now have an idea on how I would design my magazine.

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