Social Media Page Draft 2


After our recent success we had while creating our first draft for our social media page, we decided to get straight back to developing our product to make sure it met all the conventions/requirements needed. The group had a clear vision of what we wanted from this task because of the amount of planning and self assessment we had completed previously. We had success with the draft because we understood collectively what we needed to post/edit. The first thing we chose to do was post all the content that was required, after that we edited the timeline slightly because we felt that it was better suited that way. Below are some screenshots of our social media page (click the first image for a link to the account):


This is a screenshot of the home page went click onto our social media page. I like that their is a collective theme of dark blue across the account, we chose this colour due to the correlation with our band name “Turning Tides”. We have clearly set out our instagram story highlights to make it more easy for the audience to use.


These are the ten posts that we have currently posted onto our social media account. We have used footage from our music video and also images from our digipak, this means that the audience can familiarise all of our products as one. The group decided we had to make sure that images of our band members were frequently posted to ensure that the consumers were able to see the stars they want to see.

In our last draft, we discussed the idea of adding in the charity idea. We went through with this idea and posted to advertise that we will be promoting this charity throughout the big release.

Teachers Feedback

To make sure that we make more improvement in the next draft, we thought that it would be best to now receive some feedback from our teacher. Here is our teachers feedback, in the format of a screencastify (click the image to watch the video):

What we will do to improve

  • Our next post will be announcing our tour dates, we think that we need to advertise a live event in order to make our social media page as conventional as possible.
  • The group have decided that we will also post a picture of the band with a physical copy of the album, this will promote physical copy sales.
  • We also hope to do Instagram Live, this will include a question and answer. Hopefully this will boost our interaction with our audience.


This was an important task to complete because it helped the group make sure that our social media page follows the typical conventions within our genre. We were able to look at our previous assessments to see where we could improve to make sure that our audience are receiving the content that they desire, as we know that they have an expectation of what they want to see (repertoire of elements). By completing this task we will be able to move onto making our third and final social media page.

Social Media Page Draft 1


After the group decided that the planning was complete, we decided it was time to create our social media page. The group previously decided that we would use Instagram to use both elements of our music video and digipak to shock the audience with a new album. By using our prior research we were able to form a structure we like quite quickly. Previously we had planned out what posts/stories we would post. Below are some screenshots of our social media page so far (click the first image for a link to the account):

This is our home page of the Instagram account. We have already uploaded a selection of images and videos to tease our audience. As a group we used photoshop to create a new logo for the profile picture and little icons for the Instagram story feature.

We decided to take a small snippet of our drummer planning one of the albums songs. This was easy to do as we took it out of the music video that we shot prior to making the social media page. This will cause discussion between consumers, ultimately resulting in tension/excitement within the audience.

We took this image originally to use for our digipak, however we quickly noticed that we could use it as an Instagram post. This creates a theme between all our products, as we believe that our products have an identity as a whole.

Self Assessment

Below is the table that I used to complete my self assessment of the first draft (click the image to see full):


This task went smoothly due to the amount of the planning that we did as a group, we were able to understand what we needed to do in order to create a social media page that attracts our audience. This task led to us thinking how we wanted to represent our band in the public eye, this is very important for an artist and we think that we have done a good job so far. In the next draft we will focus on improving how we engage with consumers as we do not want them to be too passive, it is easier to build tension with an active audience.


Audience interaction with a social media page – an analysis


Before we start to create our own social media page, the group decided to look how Catfish and the Bottlemen interact with their audience on social media. This is a beneficial concept to understand because by allowing your audience to be more active in the media it can really help to increase their levels of excitement which is great when we are making an announcement.

Click the image below to hear our group analyse the instagram of Catfish and the Bottlemen, via screencastify:


By decoding another Instagram within our genre, we were able to understand techniques we can use to create high levels of interaction between us and our audience. The group also discovered different ways to increase levels of interest and attentions from a large audience/following. We will be able to use these learnt techniques when we create our own social media page.

Social Media Page Terminology


To begin our new section of the project, in which we will create a social media page for our band; we decided that it would be best to discover what the typical conventions a social media page within our genre are. I decided to look at the Instagram page of the Arctic Monkeys. Below is my analysis:


By completing this task, I am now able to understand what I need to do in order to make sure that my social media page appeals to the correct demographic. This will be beneficial for when our group begins to plan our social media page in the upcoming days, whether this is making sure it has a good structure or introducing the use of information/marketing.

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