Advanced Cinematography

Advanced Cinematography Powerpoint

Famous Shots

The Searchers (1956) – Cinematography by Winton C. Hoch.

The focus of the shot is right in the middle of the shot. The doorway acts as a frame within a frame, with negative space covering the rest of it, so all the viewer focuses on is the character.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) – Cinematography by SÅ‚awomir Idziak

The character is slightly off centre, showing that he is nervous and out of control of the situation. There are vertical leading lines on the wall and horizontal ones on the ground that lead one’s eyes to the character.

Blade Runner 2049 (2017) – Cinematography by Roger Deakins

The character is in the middle of the shot, facing away from the camera. The simplicity of the colours and the set gives us the impression of the character as being independent, lonely and somewhat confident. The rusty, deep red colour palette creates both a feeling of disorientation due to the haziness, but also the danger that comes with the colour red.

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