March 11

Prelim Task Mood Montage



I think my montage shows does show that the best things in life are free and has an impact after people have watched it. I think there is a story going through the video of one person helping the other to discover what good things can be done to make other people happy such as giving a present or surprise to someone else or just even holding the door open. At 0:18 in the video the man receives a cake from a friend and he looks pleased and shocked after taking it, this shows you can do something nice and it will have an impact on someone once doing something they might go do the same or something else to help someone feel better that day. I used the same scenes but I took it from different angles to get different perspectives from each person as it gives a better understanding of how the people feel. Another idea we had in mind was someone who seem upset but then received a hug from someone else to cheer them up.

Posted 11th March 2020 by lewisogier in category Component 3, Preliminary Tasks

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