My copy of professional magazine front page


I started by analysing the colours, fonts and images of the professional magazine, NME. After this, I chose a grey background and chose the main image picture closest to the original. I had to cut them out of the background they were in using Photoshop, then I put a black and white filter over the top. I added both of these images into InDesign, locking the background first as I didn’t want it to move out of its place. I was able to add the title ‘NME’ behind the main image using the layers. As the image was in black and white, I had problems reading the writing. To fix this problem, I made some of the writing black as it was more readable.

By using InDesign and Photoshop, I have learnt how to do many things such as taking advantage of the layering tool. I have also learnt how to erase the background of an image and how to add filters. This will benefit me in makingĀ  my magazine as I didn’t know these techniques before making this copy.

Youtube videos I watched

What could have been better

  • The spacing of the text are quite close together
  • I could add all four of The Vaccines in
  • Try to cut out the image better so there are no white patches around the main cover stars

What went well

  • The positioning of the text
  • I managed to find the closest font to the original magazine
  • I was able to get the free posters into the right position and angle

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