Draft 1 – The Front Page

This is the first draft of my magazine. I believe it went well because of the colour scheme I used. The colours are very bright and cute which conveys the genre of kpop very well. I like where I placed the exclusive interview as her fingers point towards it which may draw attention to it. This then tells the audience that the interview can only be read in this magazine.

Despite the positives, there are some things I would do differently. I would include more writing such as cover lines as the front cover looks quite bare. Also, I would like to Photoshop her hand to make it match the rest of her skin tone. Finally, I would move some of the writing to make it more visible as it is quite hard to read.

Peer Feedback

What genre of music is the magazine featuring?

K-Pop, I can tell from all of the fun pastel colours and how the model is dressed.

Describe the front cover star using adjectives – their star image?

The front cover star is cute, fun, innocent and girly. She radiates confidence and her eyes are really piercing which makes her look gorgeous.

Are there areas where the integration and copy is distracting?

No, everything is well spread out however the quote under the main cover line is a bit confusing because its basically the same size and the text above it.

What aspects do you consider conventional or unconventional?

The costume and blue writing matches which is really nice on the eye. It has all the technical conventional features, and it works for the k-pop theme because it’s sugary. However there isn’t any mention of other people in the magazine, or many captions.


  • Add more font colours (one or two)
  • More cover lines, ‘in your face’ advertising
  • Add colour to hair bands and/or colour her white t shirt
  • Move plug into a different place and change the font
  • Put something similar to the plus sign in
  • Mention other stars, not just the main cover star

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