Early Mock Ups

I designed my music magazine pages using sticky notes. By using sticky notes, I was able to move them around freely without having to start over. I did this so I have an idea where to put the techniques for my front cover, contents and double page spread.

First, I put the main cover star in the middle to draw the attention of my target audience. I then put the main cover line over the top, which would then lead the audience to reading that next. I used an inset and caption, a pug and a masthead which all make up the features of a magazine. On my contents page I added another image with two plugs at the bottom. Finally, on one side of the double page, I added two columns of text with a quote from the star in the middle. On the other side my page, the picture of the cover star is going to be the main asset. I will add the title to the interview at the top of it.

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