A New Improved Front Page

This is my second draft of my front cover page. I prefer this version to my other one as this isn’t as plain. I’ve also changed some colours to make it more vibrant and stand out. On Photoshop, I made my star’s eyes a brighter blue and changed her top from white to yellow to make her more colourful. I changed some of the font colours from blue to red as it made it easier to read. A major improvement I added is the free posters. This makes it more intriguing to my target audience as they are limited edition and may not be sold anywhere else. Finally, I added lines to the title to make it ‘pop out’ to regular readers.

Draft 1 – The Front Page

This is the first draft of my magazine. I believe it went well because of the colour scheme I used. The colours are very bright and cute which conveys the genre of kpop very well. I like where I placed the exclusive interview as her fingers point towards it which may draw attention to it. This then tells the audience that the interview can only be read in this magazine.

Despite the positives, there are some things I would do differently. I would include more writing such as cover lines as the front cover looks quite bare. Also, I would like to Photoshop her hand to make it match the rest of her skin tone. Finally, I would move some of the writing to make it more visible as it is quite hard to read.

Peer Feedback

What genre of music is the magazine featuring?

K-Pop, I can tell from all of the fun pastel colours and how the model is dressed.

Describe the front cover star using adjectives – their star image?

The front cover star is cute, fun, innocent and girly. She radiates confidence and her eyes are really piercing which makes her look gorgeous.

Are there areas where the integration and copy is distracting?

No, everything is well spread out however the quote under the main cover line is a bit confusing because its basically the same size and the text above it.

What aspects do you consider conventional or unconventional?

The costume and blue writing matches which is really nice on the eye. It has all the technical conventional features, and it works for the k-pop theme because it’s sugary. However there isn’t any mention of other people in the magazine, or many captions.


  • Add more font colours (one or two)
  • More cover lines, ‘in your face’ advertising
  • Add colour to hair bands and/or colour her white t shirt
  • Move plug into a different place and change the font
  • Put something similar to the plus sign in
  • Mention other stars, not just the main cover star

First Shoot Contact Sheets

These are my contact sheets for my kpop model. I believe I had used the outfits in an effective way to show the genre of kpop as I was able to use the outfits I had planned for. I also have a wide variety of poses that I told my model to do which also made it work well. The photo shoot was a success however there some aspects I would change. I should’ve taken a long shot of my model to show the whole dress instead of just her top half and I could’ve used some different camera angles instead of straight on. There are also images that are blurry as I didn’t hold the camera in a sturdy way.

Early Mock Ups

I designed my music magazine pages using sticky notes. By using sticky notes, I was able to move them around freely without having to start over. I did this so I have an idea where to put the techniques for my front cover, contents and double page spread.

First, I put the main cover star in the middle to draw the attention of my target audience. I then put the main cover line over the top, which would then lead the audience to reading that next. I used an inset and caption, a pug and a masthead which all make up the features of a magazine. On my contents page I added another image with two plugs at the bottom. Finally, on one side of the double page, I added two columns of text with a quote from the star in the middle. On the other side my page, the picture of the cover star is going to be the main asset. I will add the title to the interview at the top of it.

Mast Head Designs

I like these designs as they look soft and fun. My favourite design is the second to last as I like how the capital ‘s’ is big compared to the rest of the letters. The font I like the least is the second from the top as it is too bold and doesn’t represent the genre as much as the others. The last one I like however it’s too much like handwriting and a bit hard to read.

So… I am ready to photograph my star

During my studies in my Media lessons I have learnt many things about camera and mise-en-scene. By using camera angles, you can create an effective story for example, a high angle can make a model look vulnerable. I need to be able to remember these things during my photo shoot to make the photos look as good as possible.


  • Mid Shot – Angle of a model from the waist up
  • Framing – The use of the edges of the frame to select and to compose what will be visible onscreen
  • Low angle – Facing up towards the model, making the model look powerful
  • Long shot – A framing where the object in the shot is small compared to its surroundings


  • Costume – Can show what they’re dressed for, for example, a plaid shirt and a cowboy hat can show the genre of Country and Western
  • Lighting – Lighting is important as it can set the mood. Low key lighting can make a set look cold and colourless, but high key lighting may show a modern or futuristic set
  • Makeup – Using makeup can show whether your model is of high or low class. Bold, dark makeup may portray a model to be moody or scary
  • Props – Using props that relate to the genre can show an audience what genre you are trying to convey

Camera and Mise-en-scene for my Photo shoot

Using these techniques, I now know what I should do for my photo shoot. I will make my model wear a skirt with knee length socks which portray the cute side of kpop, with light make up to make her more natural. I may also do a costume change so that I can reflect and make the outfit more suitable. I will make the lighting high key to show my model as being bright and fun. For my props, I will use an oriental fan which infers the culture of Korea to differentiate Kpop from Pop music.

To make the photos look effective, I will need to use a range of camera techniques. I am going to use mid shots, to show the model from a medium distance. I may also use a long shot to present the whole outfit.





Star Image

I created this slideshow to help me plan out the mise-en-scene I am going to use for my music magazine. This will help me gain ideas for the outfit I will dress my kpop model in, to make it perfect. By searching up this star, it has given me the impression that kpop idols aren’t who they actually are whilst on stage, they want to be the ‘perfect’ human which would help them gain popularity and fame easily. Despite this, some photos show the other side of her, acting like a general person out and about.

Richard Dyer is a media theorist who believes that a star is ordinary and extraordinary. He believes this as a star is able to do ordinary things, for example going shopping. They are able to be in fans lives through social media where fans are able to interact with them, yet they still seem out of reach to us.

Communicating my brand

Please click on the image to go to my Pinterest mood board.

By making this mood board, it has helped me look into the style of Kpop. I chose many images of fashion and colour swatches. This will help me into making my magazine as I now know what I should use to dress up my model. It is important to make a mood board as it helps give us ideas of what style the genre we have chosen use.

Please click on this image to go to the website.

After I made my mood board, I found this article all about the fashion side of Kpop. This article will help me as it shows not only the cute side of Kpop, but many other fashion sides. This includes Street style to bright, sparkly and colourful outfits.

My Audience Profiling

I created a dating profile based on a typical kpop fan. Here, I wrote about what they enjoy, who they follow, where they would like to go on their dream holiday and what they like to do in their free time.

By doing this, I have gathered the demographics of a typical kpop fan. This will help me to create my music magazine as I understand their likes and dislikes. I will need to incorporate all of these details as it will make my magazine effective in drawing in the target audience.