Prelim Continuity Task 1

For our video, we used camera techniques such long shot, close up and mid shot. We used the shot and reverse shot so it gives the audience an understanding of the actors having a conversation. These techniques can show the actors facial expressions, body language and their stage directions which allow the viewer to see the actor’s emotions clearly.

I have learnt to use the following continuity editing rules: the 180 degree rule, shot and reverse shot and match on action. The most important technique to keep in mind is the 180 degree rule as if we swapped filming sides, it would be too confusing for the audience to view. These rules give a sense of the space and of the passage of time. I used these rules so that the clip is easy for my audience to follow. At the end of the video, when my actress is walking out the door, I nearly broke the 180 degree rule. I will need to consider this more when shooting my music video.

I have learnt to use fade out and the title intro in premiere pro. I used these techniques so that the scene doesn’t start and end abruptly.

If I was to do this project again I would add a few more facial expressions, for example when the actor was upset that he got a sweater, he should have a disgusted expression. I could also change the lighting as the room we were in had low key lighting.