The conventional design features of a magazine cover

This is an annotated magazine cover that presents all the magazine features that I would need to create in my own version.

  • The main cover line is a headline on the cover of the magazine that highlights what is inside.
  • The main cover star is usually a large picture of someone on the front cover of the magazine.
  • The caption and inset is an added photo and caption that points to what else can be seen in the magazine.
  • Cover lines are headlines on the front cover that can be found and read inside the magazine.
  • The issue/date,price and bar-code can all be found in a small white box at the bottom that are important for selling and distributing the magazine.
  • The masthead is the title of the main magazine and is usually presented larger than the other pieces of writing.
  • Plugs are the selling point of the magazine but are made less obvious than the main cover lines.
  • The pug is extra pieces of information like prices, logos or promotions.

When creating my own magazine, I need to use all of these to create something that is unique and attractive to an audience and yet still has all the technical design conventions to make it look like a magazine.

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