My audience profile and Profile research

Here are a few artists that fall into the R&B genre. I found these results on yougov and they will allow me to understand my target audience and how to make my magazine more appealing to them.

From looking at this I can see my target audience is millennial women, however I do think generation Z, if included on the website would also be very high in the positive rating percentage. Being from gen Z myself, I feel as if a lot of people my age really enjoy R&B music and its soulful and rhythmic tones. So considering this, I believe I can make this Music Magazine similar to my own and many other people my own ages tastes and preferences. So that my audience can decode the front cover of my magazine, I have to encode it to their exact tastes and preferred reading by making it look neat and tidy so that it looks high class but with enough colour and shine to make it look youthful and free.

Looking at the uses and gratification of media I can see that my target audience will go to my magazine for Information and Personal Identity. The young people of this generation often look to the media to make up their identity. For example, Rhianna talking about becoming a successful business woman influences young girls’ personal identity to be more hard working and independent. Also, information such as advice and current issues like the Black Lives Matter movement are very important to many people, so seeing it in a magazine will be refreshing and helpful. The magazine will obviously also be a source of entertainment, providing an aesthetic enjoyment and emotional release to my audience.

This is my dating profile that I have created to give a basic idea of my target audience and what they enjoy. As a producer, it is very important I know and understand the demographics and psychographics of my target audience so that I can produce the best magazine option for them.


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