Previous Students’ work

How will we mark your product?

Please work through the questions in this slideshow.

Complete your blog post on previous students’ work and evaluate the skill evident in one of the examples.

Embed all 3 pages of your chosen magazine in the blog post (front cover, contents page, double page spread).

Write a short evaluation (approx 150 words) on each of the following using the sub headings below:

  • Para 1: The use of camera and Photoshop to take & manipulate engaging images. Variety of Shot distances and framing.
  • Para 2: The selection of mise-en-scene in the photos and the meaning it communicates.
  • Para 3: The choice of words that talk to and engage a specific audience.
  • Para 4: The creative use of DTP (Desk Top Publishing i.e. Indesign) to integrate images and text and  use colour / typefaces.

Remember to describe specific examples from the pages and (if relevant) add specific analysis of what the photo, font, colour, framing, language represents, connotes, conveys etc…….

AND USE THE TECHNICAL TERMS – (when appropriate) – masthead, pug, mid shot, costumes, tone, target audience when describing your examples.

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