
How the news is reported is a clear indication of hegemony – look at how the news was reported for several world changing events.

And all this co-exists alongside the frivolous and fantastical – hypereality and consumer culture at its best. Airbrushed and aspiring – we lose ourselves in the banality of it all. An antidote to the stark realities on the front pages but sadly somehow more important for most.  I wonder why we are encouraged to be distracted – cynically, could it be hegemony in action?

For many of these stories – they are lies – and have since been proved to be lies (Hillsborough, WMD).  At the time though, the narrative that ‘suited’ the ruling powers was one much more likely to leave us ‘spell bound and stupid.’  Whatever, you do – don’t as Baudrillard would encourage, look for the light source itself – just carry on believing the shadows on the wall.

Have a look at how the Coronavirus is being reported today across the front pages – visit BBC front pages.


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