Category Archives: Skills

SKILLS & CONCEPTS – Final Submissions and deadline date Sunday 10 May – midnight

We combined these two sections as they are shorter essays, particularly for those of you who just want to get on with them and get them done and dusted and released them a day early, as we know some of you just want this all to be over and done and dusted!

As usual all the resources and reminders about structure, terms, examples, analysis and significance are on the classroom posts and you should take the time to revisit before you redraft.

Take advantage of the feedback from previous drafts – it is a little concerning that some of you have ignored it on occasions.

Anyway, so nearly there. Listen to the screen castifies and then you can get on and complete all the resubmission.

IMPORTANT – the deadline for all the essay submissions so that we can have the best evidence from you to recommend grades is;

MIDNIGHT SUNDAY 10TH MAY – that is 12 days away.

We have had to bring it forward as we have a submission deadline for the marks and rankings on the Monday 11 May.

Just as a head’s up – we will be streaming a ‘Goodbye Ceremony’ from Miss H and Mrs C on Monday 11 May at 7pm. Watch this space for more details!




Folder Management – for revision

Make sure you create the following folders and spend some time moving your previous tasks, resources, worksheets, slideshares essays from classroom and from the blog and from your drive to these folders.

The time spent doing this in advance will make your revision so much easier.

Here is a revision document for Component 1 and another one for Component 4, that you should print out and start to use. It breaks everything up into bitesize chunks of 1/2 hr to 1 hr.

Exam Paper 1 (Component 2)

  • TV DRAMA– Glossary of terms, TV drama slideshare, Essays, exemplars
  • MUSIC INDUSTRY – Case Study slideshares, Music Industry slideshare, Essays, Glossary of Terms, exemplars

Exam Paper 2 (Component 4)

  • SKILLS – Essays, RP, DT, Conventions templates, exemplars, Skills slideshare
  • CONCEPTS – Essays, Theory booklet, essays, exemplars, Concepts slideshare
  • POSTMODERN MEDIA – Slideshare, essays, exemplars, theory booklets, case study templates

Skills 1a – Conventions Essay

This is a little harder to talk about in terms of progression throughout the two years as conventions vary from product to product.

We suggest, therefore, that you pair up suitable products where the conventions linked to their production can be seen to be developed as you move on from one product to the next. We have paired them up for you but clearly you can make your own mind up and choose others.

Conventions questions often have reference to Real Media Texts (RMT) so you should always have some examples to hand to mention; films, magazines, TV shows, extracts, sequences, websites etc.

Similarly to RP and DT you should complete the Conventions story template WHICH is on classroom for easy reference and marking.

The Question will be:

In what ways did you engage with the conventions of real media texts in your own productions.  Nov 2015 

You have plenty of information in your blogs regarding this in the CCRs when you did whole presentations on using, challenging, developing conventions.  Prepare your stories today and for independent study and then you can write it up in the next lesson.

Remember, this question requires you to look at as many products as possible.  One way you could tackle it, is by talking about the start of the course when you were merely copying, applying a convention  and then by the end were developing and challenging the conventions.


Skills 1a Recap – RP and DT

Fully Complete your Skills template in for Digital Technologies and Research and Planning.  Many of the CCR4 skills stories can be used for Digital Technology and remember there is cross over between RP and DT – you can use the same story in both for example youtube and Padlet for example. Just remember to have starting and finishing points, cover as many different products as you can and show how you have progressed – MOST IMPORTANT how did the skill impact on the product.

Always remember the skill needs a starting point and a finishing point. This can be anywhere in the course but each skill story needs to show progression.

The most important aspect is that you evidence how the skill impacted specifically on the product i.e. not just that it made it nicer, more professional. What do you mean by that? How did the colour filter directly impact on the anarchic, grungy star image? How did the transition develop the narrative disruption for the story?

Remember to use the name of the tools, techniques.

Write like a media student: use terms from across your media learning.

Read the exemplars and examiner’s reports below.


You will complete a Skills Essay in class in timed conditions on Conventions.



Penultimate week on Coursework

Well done. The blog is dead. The blog is done.  Wave it all goodbye!


You will have 4 lessons this week to complete the first three CCRs already introduced.  These need to be complete by Monday 2nd December.

We will be spending 1 lessons at the end of the week introducing the final CCR and 1 at the beginning of the next week.  This will be completed in class during the following week.

All CCRs need to be completed by Monday 9 December.

Final Products – HOME PAGE

These have to be presented beautifully on your home page by the end of term. Make sure they are as good as they can be – you can tweak them all in your own time.  It would be wise to show them to your teacher one more time for some final feedback.

  • Video – Embed and introduce
  • Digipak x 4 panes with pdfs attached and clearly labelled (front, back etc)
  • Website – screen shot of page with link to the site and instructions to click on it to see more.


We will then spend the last two weeks revisiting Skills and Concepts.


If you know you are leaving early before Christmas then you must speak to your teacher so that you can see what  you will be missing and what you will need to catch up on.