Jameson – our first Postmodern theorist

We will be using the ideas of three main theorists: Jameson, Lyotard and Baudrillard.

Frederic Jameson is our first:

Jameson hand out.

This teacher, in a hat, explains it very well!  Mr G – you need to get a hat!

In order to try and understand and locate and recognise how his ideas are apparent in today’s postmodern media, a really easy place to witness pastiche, parody etc are in advertising.

Just look at how Marmite have used an approach to this advertising campaign and cashed in on a whole range of postmodernism:

All of these adverts are examples of how postmodern media manifests itself in advertising and marketing – pastiche, parody, intertextuality, easter eggs and self-reflexivity abound.  You have to be culturally competent to get the nuance.

Parody of Apple Inc.

Pastiche of Marvel Movies.

Homage to Game of Thrones.  You do need to be so culturally competent!

Parody of advertising in general and also mocking advertising tropes – the celebrity endorsement.

Homage to specific films or cinematic styles.

An advert that is deliberately self-reflexive – they are unabashed about selling. This is an advert – so what?

Intertextual references – one advert referring to another.

and finally

Recognise anything?


POMO – In a nutshell?

Don’t be frightened about the term ‘postmodern’.  If the context confuses you i.e. what went before that is not overly important. In fact why not just approach the topic as this is us looking at the media that surrounds us at the moment and we are looking at various criteria that can be used to analyse, critique and review it.

Postmodern is a term used to describe much of contemporary media that surrounds us today! SIMPLES – and is can be analysed, critiqued in reference to various ideas, theories, terms etc.  Various ideas, theories exist that try to describe, explain its form and purpose and the main theorists we will be looking at, all have different ideas about what makes a text postmodern.

However, some of the texts we will look at will be postmodern in their construction/contents and some will also critique the postmodern condition.

Here are the key ideas that encapsulate what postmodernism is all about:-


  • is a movement from the late 20th century
  • represents a departure from modernism
  • challenges authority
  • rejects the idea of status/ value
  • makes fun of existing texts – parody/satire
  • is a critique of what we assume to be real
  • copies ideas/styles from existing texts
  • suggests there is no absolute ‘truth’ – merely socially constructed truths
  • gives a skeptical interpretation
  • is a reinterpretation of classical ideas, forms and practices
  • questions our perception of art
  • distrusts dominant ideologies
  • mixes styles
  • plays with reality
  • challenges ‘fixed’ ideologies
  • challenges the rebellion of modernism
  • it is playful
  • blurs reality and representation
  • it looks to the past
  • is really hard to define

to name just a few things…

Some key terms that we will consider over the coming weeks – pastiche, parody, quotation, intertextuality, loss of historical reality, cultural competence, hyper reality, simulacra, consumer culture, hegemony, grand narratives.

POSTMODERN MEDIA – What on earth is this?



The coursework is over. ‘The Blog is dead. Long live the Blog!‘ (this, by the way, is an intertextual reference with a hint of parody, so could be classed as an example of postmodern literacy BUT OF COURSE you have to be culturally competent to get it!!)

But what the heck is Postmodernism?

  • Baudrillard was a cool French guy
  • Who constantly makes media students cry
  • Hyperreality is now a real thing
  • You can get paid even if you can’t sing
  • So set your sights high
  • For a media ride you should try
  • Postmodernism is the thing……postmodernism is King!

Does any of this make sense? The above is a Limerick penned by an A2 student, that in 5 short weeks will make complete and utter sense.

By Easter, you will be ready and armed with textual references and theorists galore so that you can answer Section 2 of the Component 4 paper. The essay is worth 50 marks and should take about an hour to write in the exam. So it is an extremely important part of your A Level course.

Heads down…..brains engage.

Off we goooo….

A postmodern joke – get it? No…?


This is a slide show which tries to explain a definition of Postmodernism:  See slide 7 – 19.

Still stuck? Here are some video explanations:

It is all pretty tricky at the start – but DON’T PANIC!  All you need to know at this stage is that it is a way of ….well, a way of….a manner of….a view about…a style of…..well you know even, we find this hard to define. So…..


In pairs, or small groups, how would you define Postmodernism in 1 – 20 words? If you can do it, you are a super scholar!  Even university professors seem to struggle to agree, but it would be good to have a go. Refer to the videos and the slideshare.  Be prepared to share it with the class.


Folder Management – for revision

Make sure you create the following folders and spend some time moving your previous tasks, resources, worksheets, slideshares essays from classroom and from the blog and from your drive to these folders.

The time spent doing this in advance will make your revision so much easier.

Here is a revision document for Component 1 and another one for Component 4, that you should print out and start to use. It breaks everything up into bitesize chunks of 1/2 hr to 1 hr.

Exam Paper 1 (Component 2)

  • TV DRAMA– Glossary of terms, TV drama slideshare, Essays, exemplars
  • MUSIC INDUSTRY – Case Study slideshares, Music Industry slideshare, Essays, Glossary of Terms, exemplars

Exam Paper 2 (Component 4)

  • SKILLS – Essays, RP, DT, Conventions templates, exemplars, Skills slideshare
  • CONCEPTS – Essays, Theory booklet, essays, exemplars, Concepts slideshare
  • POSTMODERN MEDIA – Slideshare, essays, exemplars, theory booklets, case study templates

Mock feedback – TV Drama, Marketing, Digital Technologies

Class notes for:

TV Drama

  • Terms – use them wherever you can.
  • Try and keep to 4 x sections with a line in between so that the examiner can see you have moved on.
  • Don’t overload the opening paragraph with themes and issues – keep it general and add the caveat – some of the themes and issues represented are XXX.Don’t explain how the feature works  in general – the examiner will know you know this – focus on how it works in this clip.
  • Don’t make over tenuous links – the grey tracksuit bottoms represent his mood – perhaps the slouchy style does but I think the colour is too tenuous – most mens’ joggers are grey.
  • Add in as many synonyms as you can and vary the adjectives – it can be repetitive to keep saying, this represents his helplessness etc
  • No need to waste time on over arching intros. Just get stuck in.

Music Industry

  • Fab case studies
  • Most lacking the over arching arguments, debates about the importance of marketing and how the case study evidences an issue about it – busy marketplace, noisy, crowded market place – you have to be loud, different to stand out.
  • Allows even less well funded indie labels and DIY artists the ability to make their claim as DT is relatively cheap (democratisation) therefore if they have an idea = success.
  • Try and mention labels as there is a difference in terms of funding for marketing campaigns and even well known artists need to market themselves.
  • More terms – synergy, CMC, digitalisation, democratisation, viral marketing, guerilla marketing, word of mouth, Web 2.0, public relations, profile, reputation.
  • Digital technologies – only focused on streaming – but so much to do with marketing, distribution, exchange, production and needed broadening out.



Concepts 1b – Recap

Lesson 1

First of all – try and write a definition of Genre in one sentence.  This could be your opening sentence for your concepts essay, if Genre comes up.  Share your ideas with the class.

Just to recap – how much can you remember about Genre and the theories, theorists that accompany this concept?  Take the quiz.

Big Fat Genre Quiz – to recap on structure and basic theories

Revisit Genre

Victoria Sponge

Victoria Sponge

Read this presentation on your own for 10 minutes & familiarise yourself with its contents.

It has everything you need in it for the Concepts section of the exam.

Genre Framework – you can use your magazine, music video, digipak or website.  Perhaps opt for your Magazine?  Clearly defined conventions of genre, not only for the technical conventions of layout and form but the conventions for the genre of music you were conveying?

Concept Essay Structure

  • Think about all the work you have recently done on Conventions for your Evaluation Questions.
    • The answers and ideas are all in there.
    • So revisit your blog posts about Genre.

And now revisit the quiz. How much more do you remember, know now than at the beginning of the lesson?

Lesson 2

Now that you have revisited and refreshed your memories about Concepts and in particular Genre, you will write up an essay in this class.  You can use your notes or refer to the blog for ideas but you will only have the allocated 25 minutes.

The question will be:

  • Apply the concept of genre to one of your coursework productions. – June 2014

Concepts 1b – Essay Genre

You have already done 3 essays of the 5 possible ones in the Concepts section of the exam. You should already have completed Representation, Audience and Narrative.

You should aim to complete the template for some ideas on how the concept of Genre can be applied to your product.

Then the question for the timed essay before the end of term will be:

Analyse one of your products in relation the concept of genre.  

You can use your notes and the templates for reference.

Skills 1a – Conventions Essay

This is a little harder to talk about in terms of progression throughout the two years as conventions vary from product to product.

We suggest, therefore, that you pair up suitable products where the conventions linked to their production can be seen to be developed as you move on from one product to the next. We have paired them up for you but clearly you can make your own mind up and choose others.

Conventions questions often have reference to Real Media Texts (RMT) so you should always have some examples to hand to mention; films, magazines, TV shows, extracts, sequences, websites etc.

Similarly to RP and DT you should complete the Conventions story template WHICH is on classroom for easy reference and marking.

The Question will be:

In what ways did you engage with the conventions of real media texts in your own productions.  Nov 2015 

You have plenty of information in your blogs regarding this in the CCRs when you did whole presentations on using, challenging, developing conventions.  Prepare your stories today and for independent study and then you can write it up in the next lesson.

Remember, this question requires you to look at as many products as possible.  One way you could tackle it, is by talking about the start of the course when you were merely copying, applying a convention  and then by the end were developing and challenging the conventions.


Skills 1a Recap – RP and DT

Fully Complete your Skills template in for Digital Technologies and Research and Planning.  Many of the CCR4 skills stories can be used for Digital Technology and remember there is cross over between RP and DT – you can use the same story in both for example youtube and Padlet for example. Just remember to have starting and finishing points, cover as many different products as you can and show how you have progressed – MOST IMPORTANT how did the skill impact on the product.

Always remember the skill needs a starting point and a finishing point. This can be anywhere in the course but each skill story needs to show progression.

The most important aspect is that you evidence how the skill impacted specifically on the product i.e. not just that it made it nicer, more professional. What do you mean by that? How did the colour filter directly impact on the anarchic, grungy star image? How did the transition develop the narrative disruption for the story?

Remember to use the name of the tools, techniques.

Write like a media student: use terms from across your media learning.

Read the exemplars and examiner’s reports below.


You will complete a Skills Essay in class in timed conditions on Conventions.




There are two paper in the Media mock exam next week:

Paper 1 – Key Media Concepts (2 hours)  – TV DRAMA AND MUSIC INDUSTRY

  • 30 min screening sequence from TV Drama. Then…
  • 45 mins essay, which analyses how meaning is constructed through:
    • camera
    • editing
    • sound
    • mise-en-scene.
  • 45 min essay on Audiences and Institutions (The Music Industry)

The question will be on either one of these or perhaps there will be a choice?

Marketing in the Music Industry and/or Digital Technologies in the Music Industry.

TV Drama:

  • Revise key terms for Sound, Editing, Camera and MES.
  • Revise structure.
  • Revise note taking template.

Music Industry:

  • Revise Terms
  • Revise essay structure
  • Complete the Case Study index
  • Choose @ 12 case studies that could ‘shoe horn’/evidence/illustrate into marketing and digital technologies so that you can use @ 6 in the essay.


Plus your own Class case studies for Music Industry.