Chosen adverts

Advert 1

I chose this advert as I feel majority of my target audience would use headphones like this or be interested in reading the advertisement to invest in a pair of these headphones. A lot of my readers will often listen to music with headphones and this advert will help with a better understanding of what these certain headphones do. I think its important to include an advert with headphones in as it is a staple to listen to music with or a good investment once seeing this advertisement. This could encourage my target audience to look into Bose for some good quality headphones.

Advert 2

I chose this second advert to have more of a focus on my target audience music that they enjoy. I know that for my genre of pop a good deal of my audience appreciate Ariana Grade’s music and her talents, she is a well known artist and I feel this advert is a good way of drawing in my audience and it could give my audience a better understanding of the genre they are engaging in. It also includes other big artists that my audience know of who will be the opening acts and suits my demographic correctly.





Screen castify of third draft


Front Cover-

  • Add white strike around Grade in the title Upgrade
  • Spelling mistakes for Billie Eilish and Trends
  • Add Chloe’s life’s as a producer to main coverline
  • One blue circle in the lemon color on double page spread and add another pug in it


  • Place coverlines correctly
  • Make the line thickness the same as each other, same width
  • Make contents numbers bigger so they over lap the white border

Double page spreadĀ 

  • Pull standfirst box over so it matches with the main text
  • Move copy column over as its very close to the fold, gutter spacing not wide enough
  • Lost the shape for the main photo, try to get the main shape back
  • Make sure photos aren’t squashed
  • Add yellow or red strike around the small photo
  • Page numbers in the yellow
  • Sharpen the colors so they pop more