Music video draft 1 – Rough cut

Here is our rough cut of our shoot for our music video. For this draft we combined clips from our shoot one and two as we felt majority of our clips from shoot one weren’t what we wanted, therefore we did a second shoot to add into this draft. Our shoot locations where a great place for us to shoot so we are going to make sure to go back and get lots of different angles.

Self assessment:

  • When editing we could all agree on what clips we liked and where to place them in our rough cut.
  • When filming together we came up with good ideas and we made sure everyone had a go at using the camera and contributing what clips we would like to film.
  • Our model had good facial expressions and knew how to act in front of the camera.
  • We where able to shoot a lot of clips for the chorus in different locations.

Targets for improvement:

  • We have come to the conclusion that we need to be a lot more organised when it comes to shooting.
  • We need to make sure were we are getting all the correct shots, our narrative story board will help us do this in the future.
  • Next time filming we will make sure our model knows all the correct words so the filming process is a lot smoother.